The Northeast Bat Working Group (NEBWG) is happy to continue the tradition of bringing together scientists, conservationists, educators, and enthusiasts to support and inform each other's work on behalf of bats. The 2025 Northeast Bat Working Group annual meeting will be held at the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The annual meeting is a terrific opportunity to share research findings, interact with fellow professionals, and inspire new approaches for studying and conserving bats.
The 2025 Northeast Bat Working Group (NEBWG) annual meeting will be held in downtown Harrisburg, PA. Three days of sessions relevant to bats in the NE US, two breakfasts, a lunch, refreshments during breaks, exhibitors, and a poster session party with appetizers are all included. Our previous meeting attendance was approximately 275, so register as soon as possible to avoid registration increase deadline and secure overnight lodging if needed.
Presentations & Poster Information | Abstracts & Submission Instructions | Guidelines
Please see the document below for a checklist of presentation submission and formatting guidelines.
Presentation Submission & Formatting Checklist
NEBWG is soliciting abstracts for presentations and posters for our upcoming annual meeting. We invite presentations and posters addressing:
MOTUS-oriented studies
Bats & Bridges
Offshore wind impacts on bats
Bat population status
Bat biology, ecology, or behavior
Study methods
Instructions for submittal of abstracts for oral presentations and posters are below. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to present research results and interact with professionals and students interested in bat conservation in the northeastern United States. We hope you will take the opportunity to attend, share your expertise or experience with bats. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you in January!
NEBWG 2025
Abstract submittal deadline has been extended to December 13th, 2024. Authors will be selected and notified. Authors submitting abstracts must register for the conference at the same time (instructions for registration follow below). Abstracts should be < 300 words and include name, organization, and address of authors, title, study justification, objectives, brief methods, summarized
results, and discussion of results. Submit abstracts electronically in Microsoft Word format to Please underline the name of the author that will be presenting the paper. Please indicate if the abstract is for an oral or poster presentation. A total of 15 minutes will be allotted for oral presentations, including time for answering questions. We may be able to accommodate longer presentations, so please write and inquire if you need more time. All oral presentations must be on Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote or Adobe PDF. If you are using PowerPoint please be sure all photos, graphics, and videos are included in one folder with your presentation. Early submission of presentations via e-mail is strongly encouraged. Presentations brought to the meeting must be on a USB flash drive. Please follow the format guidelines below
when preparing your abstract (see example title below):
Title should be in all capital letters, bold, and centered at the top of the page.
Include names and current addresses of authors after the title.
Italicize addresses of authors.
Underline the name of the presenter.
Indicate student presenters with an asterisk (*).
Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
Left Justify only.
Michael T. Mengak, Steven B. Castleberry, and W. Mark Ford. D. B. Warnell School of Forest
Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (MTM, SBC); USDA Forest Service,
Northeastern Research Station, Parsons, WV 26287 (WMF)
(Oral Presentation)
Should be no larger than 48 x 48 inches.
Should be readable from a distance of 2 meters.
Title should be capitalized with lettering at least 2 cm high (72 pt.).
Authors and institutional affiliations should be in upper- and lower-case lettering at least 11mm high (42 pt.).
Text lettering should be at least 5 mm high (18 pt.) with a line thickness of at least 1 mm.
Information should be well organized and concisely presented. Most posters include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion,
Conclusions, Literature Cited.
Keep written text to a minimum. “Bullets” and short phrases are effective. Use no more than six illustrations (large graphs, flow charts, diagrams, and photographs). Keep captions and legends short and informative.